You: How do I find a technical co-founder?
Me: Find a dope and talented UX Cofounder first.

Too many times I’ve seen founders make ample technical investments upfront - with or without a technical cofounder – and have extra challenges with staying focused on measurable progress.

Challenge as many assumptions about the future product and iterate as many times as needed to unlock where your customers find value - and are willing to pay - in capital or time – for your product.  This can be achieved with the help or partnership of a great UX Designer.

1. Get crystal clear about the problem that you’re looking to solve

2. Do the best at defining who your target users or clients are, your total addressable market (TAM) and your why.

3. Find and sell your product concept, the problem, your target user, your TAM and your why to a kick-ass UX (User Experience) designer.  A good UX designer keeps the user at the forefront, while understanding that the product will need to be built using technology

4. Together, go down the MVP and prototype path towards your future product to help identify and formulate the main trajectory of the design and where users find value.  While you go around and show the prototype to customers, they’ll assume it's functional and you can begin to see whether you're building something that they find useful. 

5. Once you’ve unlocked where some of the value is, together with your UX lead, embark on your journey to find a Technical Co-Founder.

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